Heartland Mural: Local Heroes
In the summer of 2010, we oversaw the next installment in the Mile of Murals, on Glenwood Ave from Greenleaf to Lunt working in Rogers Park. As Project Managers, we worked with community members to devise a themes for the wall, led a rigorous selection processes, supervised 11 other professional artists in their designs, and contributed our own panels along with the other artists. The theme for this wall focused on the unique contributions that the Heartland Café (7000 N. Glenwood) and No Exit Café (6970 N. Glenwood) have made in the local community and beyond through political organizing, the arts, and a dedication to healthy and conscious living. Each panel represents a different aspect of this theme, as described below moving north to south along the mural wall. Dustin’s panel is on the Game “GO” which held competitive tournaments at the No Exit Café, and Lea’s panel pays homage to the longtime owners of the Heartland Café.